CGS would like to thank AAAS and the National Academies for contributing a significant number of resources on Scientific Misconduct and Research Integrity to the PSI online library. Those seeking to enhance education in responsible conduct of research and scholarly integrity can find a wide range of materials on this page. Please note that these resources have been compiled and arranged with different audiences in mind—deans and administrators working to implement new, institution-wide structures of education; faculty members involved in ethics education and training in the Responsible Conduct of Research; and graduate students working to understand specific topics in research ethics and training. There is also a range in the scope of topics addressed: some resources discuss problems of general interest to the scientific community, while others are discipline-specific. If you would like to recommend additional resources for inclusion on this website, please contact the CGS Project for Scholarly Integrity at [email protected]. There are two ways to search the resources database. If you check one or more boxes, the resources from the selected categories will appear. If you type a keyword in the search box and click "Go," you can search the entire database for a term or phrase. Resources are sorted alphabetically. ResultsWhelan, Elizabeth. The Washington Times. (2008, April 8). Kuo, PC, RA Schroeder, A Shah, J Shah, DO Jacobs, and R Pietrobon. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 207(4):485-9, 2008.
2006 Annual Report.
Office of Research Integrity, Department of Health and Human Services, May 2007.
2007 Annual Report.
Office of Research Integrity, Department of Health and Human Services, June 2008.
2009 Research Conference on Research Integrity.
Fifth Biennial Research Conference on Research Integrity (RRI)
Sponsored by the Office of Research Integrity, Niagara Falls, May 15-17, 2009. Hosted by AAAS, 21 April 2006. Sponsored by the Association of Independent Research Institutions, 7-10 September, 2008. Sponsored by AALAS, 9-13 Nov 2008, Indianapolis, IN. Dena Plemmons. Science and Engineering Ethics, 27 April, 2011. Marshall, E. Science 320(5876): 602, 2008. |